Monday, March 22, 2021

Stop Hate-Radio on our Public Airwaves or our Nation Dies

 I monitor right-wing AM Hate-Radio in Colorado. There has been a never-ending drumbeat of blood-lust for Liberals from Dan Caplis and others. Recently Caplis has been describing a new school policing Legislation that is being considered as “Legal molestation and kidnapping”. Day after day hour after hour Caplis talks in a low sleazy voice whispering the idea and description of children and teachers being tied up and molested at school, Legally, because of a new law that governor Polis is in support of. Caplis slowly and deliberately describes a sexual predator touching the ‘genitals and pubic areas’ of his victims! 

This is just one small example, every single hot-button issue to these right-wing hate radio hosts becomes a chance to describe an evil horror movie and blame Liberals in Colorado for it. It’s exactly like the Qanon people believe in, exactly like the insane pizza parlor in DC thing that they pushed about pedophilia. 

It's insanity that these evil assholes get to take up huge space on the public airwaves!

If you believe the things that these hate-radio hosts say you literally feel morally obligated as a human being and a decent United States citizen to take action into your own hands. 

We all know that if we saw someone killing people it would be the right thing to stop them, even if it meant killin them…. 

Well that's how Caplis and other hate-radio hosts describe average Liberals as a whole and on our Public Airwaves. 

A Nation can’t stay United and listen to this bullshit!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Anyone who tries can be just as satisfied with a vegetarian diet as an animal flesh diet. It's not easy, but easier than quitting smoking. You will live between 15 and 30 years longer.

Anyone who tries can be just as satisfied with a vegetarian diet as an animal flesh diet. It's not easy, but easier than quitting smoking. You will live between 15 and 30 years longer.

This is my opinion based on a long diligent study of the issue. However I do have some scientific proof...

Between the years 1989 and 1993 I was employed as a clerical worker at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston Massachusetts working for the Nurses Health Study which was being run by Dr. Walter Willett. If you don't know, this is a grand and wondrous study that surveys a great number of ex health workers, primarily nurses. This study asks them to keep meticulous records over long periods of time of everything they eat drink and do. It is the most comprehensive study of its kind. At this time Dr. Willett was very proud of some conclusions they were able to come to based on the large volumes of data. Dr. Willett would have meetings and explain these results to all of us because he was very proud of them and they were very interesting. The gist of his results clearly showed that everything about consuming animal fat and animal flesh was terribly negative in terms of heart disease cancer and many other health problems. On the other hand clearly everything in the results showed that getting one's protein vitamins and minerals from plant-based sources (other than hydrogenated vegetable oil which acted more like an animal fat) resulted in far better health results for the people surveyed. This result was issued publicly, but in it the Nurses Health Study never said explicitly that people should be vegetarians in order to be more healthy. 

Doctor Willett had a Christmas party one year and at that party I was able to talk to him privately and I asked him the following question “Doctor Willett based on the results of the Nurses Health Study is it fair to say that if anyone were to choose to eat a vegetarian diet assuming they are careful and meticulous about getting enough protein and other vitamins minerals that are available in plants, is it fair to say that that is healthier for really anyone compared to a meat-eating diet?” Dr. Willett thought about this question for a minute and said ‘yes in fact that is the case’. I then asked ‘why is that not the headline featured result of our studies in order to inform people that they would all be better off as vegetarians health-wise?’ Dr. Willett said that it was simply a public relations type decision because they felt that if the study told people they were better off being vegetarians that would seem such a daunting task and a disappointing result that they would give up entirely on paying attention to the advice being given from the study.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The reason we are so fucked up

 The reason we are so fucked up 

Here in the United States we seem to be baffled at how we are having a rise in violence and extremism of various types, racism sexism and random violence... well guess what if you look south of our border at the rest of the American continent you'll see that things are even worse there and in both North and South America things have been trending in that direction since the 1970s. This is what the migrants are escaping from… the insanity of the drug laws the USA has insisted that all countries follow in order to trade with us. Fact. The migrant border crisis is all due to the fact that the USA forces other nations to enforce our insane drug laws. That leads to the enrichment and empowerment of Drug Lords who govern Central and South America with mafia terror. THAT is what the migrants are trying to escape.

 There is one singular thing that can be pointed to to explain this and really its beginnings were in the 1930s when we began banning certain drugs that were popular, but we decided should be illegal because of health concerns, physical and behavioral etc. That's when we made the ban on heroin/poppy cocaine and marijuana that's when we also banned alcohol!

 We found out the hard way that the Cure was worse than the disease when we tried with good intentions to enforce a ban on alcohol! It corrupted and almost destroyed our justice system! That’s why we removed the ban! We changed our constitution twice in 13 years. But the bans on the other drugs remained and during the 50s 60s and 70s we began enforcing those laws vigorously. That has destroyed our criminal justice system real good! That has destroyed the social fabric of this country and of all the nations further south on the American continent. It has made us dysfunctional. It has made us a factory for creating evil. We give incredibly insane incentives to people who sell illegal drugs and everybody who doesn't consider themselves a criminal are the market the purchasers, consumers of illegal drugs. It’s a formula for crime. Then we try to hire enough police and build enough prisons to enforce this insane concept again just like it was with alcohol. And all we do is create a mushroom that keeps growing and growing and growing and even the people that are drawn in who go to prison are not rehabilitated we gave up on even making an effort at rehabilitating them when the population got so high in the last 40 years. So now we simply house them like rats being tortured in some bizarre experiment in overcrowded prisons where there is no Law and Order. How do we expect for these criminals we've created with our drug policies to become better people when their sentence is to live in a world of no Law and Order? So these people come out MESSED UP and further sow the seeds of hate confusion and pain within our society. Now we wonder how somehow some of our social values seem to be worsening? Well I just gave you the answer! And by the way this truly is a global problem too.

One might ask how the problems I've described have anything to do with specific problems concerning racism or sexism... it's simply this when there is no Law and Order and when your justice system is in a state of confusion; that leads to people naturally going down to their most base ugly desperate drives of fear and hate and lashing out for survival. Not to mention the fact that the justice system is spending so much of its efforts at enforcing laws trying to enforce evil Bad laws! All the justice system spends its time and money on is enforcing evil insane bad drug laws that should never have been created. All of the time since the 60s and 70s when we really began cracking down on heroin and cocaine and marijuana we have been NOT enforcing laws concerning simple hate, racism, sexism, voting rights etc. We've been ignoring those issues to enforce our bad stupid useless evil insane drug laws. We are getting what are leadership created for us. We own this. And the final price-tag is that the poorer countries south of the USA who we have strong-armed into enforcing our insane drug laws, those countries have seen their governments fall to the inevitable violence and corruption that comes with policies the masses/consumers don’t agree with. The migrant caravans on the southern border of the USA are desperately trying to escape the hellish consequences of rule by Drug Lords who were created by the policies of the USA.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

-Smith said he has "taken more people home than I've taken to them to jail."

 -Smith said he has "taken more people home than I've taken to them to jail."

Just Stop Now

 The negative consequences of enforcing our illegal drug laws are worse for us than the drugs themselves. So, let's stop enforcing our drug laws.

Just Stop Now

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

New Unpublished Dr. Seuss book surfaces-Also racist

 Titled "The Whos down in Whoville chase the Ziggers Away!" this is perhaps Mr. Geisel's most racist screed of all.

In it the Whos wear the letter Z as an insignia (much like a swastika) as they form militias and chase the awful Ziggers out of their village.

Mr. Geisel's publishing company announced that before publication the Z in the title would be changed to an X.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Trump worships only himself.

I pity the poor Christian that has turned his faith from Christ to Trump.
Have you ever heard Trump quote Jesus, or any biblical or spiritual text?
Trump worships only himself.