Sunday, February 28, 2021

Trump Starts New Party

Shortly into his  CPAC speech Sunday night the golden statue boy stated firmly that he would not start a new political party. Of course we all know that means he will start a new political party. But few would have guessed that he would start the new political party before the end of his speech. First he pointed out that there were many good Republicans but far too many bad ones and that they would be easily defeated in challenge. But then at the end of the speech he said clearly that he wanted to lead an effort to pick certain candidates to run for office and he said explicitly that the only way for the country to move forward with these good candidates is to donate money to him Donald Trump. He even named the party “America First”... Like a mafia Don, Trump is offering Republicans ‘protection’ in exchange for a big slice of the pie. He names two websites to donate to what he is selling and neither one is the RNC.

“Donald Trump: (01:29:21)

If you want to help us take back the future of our country, go to I don't do this. I've never done this.

But it's time that we have to put forces together…”

“Donald Trump: (01:29:52)

There's only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first

Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again.

And that's throughSave America PAC and

So go out there and do whatever

you can because we're going to help a lot of great people.”

Saturday, February 27, 2021

It's like, the new Republican strategy is "Well since we can't win elections, let's bring on Armageddon..."


Ponzi Republicans

 The modern conservative movement, Republican Party in the United States is really just a Ponzi scheme on behalf of those who have already gotten theirs. The conservatives at the top like Trump and Sean Hannity etc. preach the message that if the government would just go away and leave us alone and levy no taxes at all we could all somehow get rich and have a wonderful ideal freedom-loving life. Of course the fact of the matter is that all the rich people benefit from that philosophy and everyone coming up new from the bottom are destroyed by that philosophy. Because the public Schools and Roads etcetera the infrastructure to develop a life or a new business will disappear under that philosophy. And Hannity and Trump and their ilk will just go off to their private islands and compounds with their windfall for not having to pay taxes on their hundreds of millions and billions. Then the whole system collapses for the rest of us, like all Ponzi schemes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Amended 1st Amendment


Amended 1st Amendment

“Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”


[However, all people within the legal confines of the USA, elected officials and celebrities as well as all citizens, shall be held accountable for negative consequences instigated by any untrue or misleading statements they may make about other individuals or to the general public.]

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Citizen Trump

 I bet that within a month Trump is facing more legal charges and civil lawsuits than you can count...

I agree with McC on one thing he said, in essence... 'Impeachment in the Senate was never meant to be the LAST legal means to hold a president accountable for illegal acts'.

Thankfully, it has now been decided that he can be impeached when out of office. So, after he causes even more violence and chaos we can impeach him again... Third time's the charm!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Who started the riot if not Trump? The only answer is 'all the hateful people he quoted and re-tweeted' and those who spoke onstage right before him the day of the riot. He's guilty as sin.

 Who started the riot if not Trump? The only answer is 'all the hateful people he quoted and re-tweeted' and those who spoke onstage right before him the day of the riot. He's guilty as sin.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Until Trump

The fact is that if any ex-president of the US had denied and continued to deny after all legal recourse was taken that he/she had in fact lost the election, legally... it would have led to violence of some kind. No president in US history has done that, until Trump.

That is the rule that he broke. By denying his loss in the election he ignited any sensible US patriot who believed his words. He only lost the popular vote by 4%. The United States of America cannot let a president in defeat claim legal victory.
The capitol violence will never end if we do.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

SAVE AMERICA CONVICT TRUMP-Senate Trial Comes Down to Did Trump Win or Not...

 When a sitting (and now previous) president of the USA says that his election was rigged and stolen THAT means that a great many of his vast millions of supporters will believe that law and order have broken down in their country and that it is their duty to stand up with force against an illegal regime, because that is what their president is telling them.

Trump is still waiting to admit the legal change of power in the USA! He is still inciting violence on the capitol of AMERICA! If the US Senate doesn't stop this piece of shit his foolowers will keep fighting and KILLING in his name. 

This is the US Government saying NO You Lost and if they don't alot of people will never believe it!


Monday, February 8, 2021

RIOT FIRE, Trump incited a Riot

 I think they need to show clips from the 'pre-riot' rally at the Senate Trial as part of the case. Don Jr. and the other nuts set the stage for the fire with endless extreme violent references. Trump knew just what they were gonna say... he just had to light the match on the riot.

Look for yourself...

It is total bullshit to say that our 1st Amendment and the concept of free speech allow for terrorist hate speech and inciting violence. You cannot yell fire in a crowded building if their is no fire. You cannot call the FBI and make a fake threat to bomb the building. And you cannot continue to claim a presidential election was stolen and tell your supporters to 'fight the steal' or they will lose their country, when you have already exhausted every legal avenue to prove your case! You can't say that to a mob and send them to march on the capitol as they are counting electoral votes without expecting violent results.

Trump did that and while the riot ensued he posted the message 'this is what you get when you steal an election'.