Saturday, September 26, 2020

Donald J Trump- “I am in touch with the Aliens and they have told me that if you don't vote for me they will destroy the Earth." This message was approved by me, President Donald J Trump.

 Donald J Trump-

“I am in touch with the Aliens and they have told me that if you don't vote for me they will destroy the Earth." This message was approved by me, President Donald J Trump.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Here is an argument for Socialism vs Capitalism.

 Here is an argument for Socialism vs Capitalism. 

Do you realize that without an incredible number of rules and regulations controlling your money and capitalism in the USA and globally, it would be literally possible for one person to acquire all of the property and wealth within a certain nation or even within our entire globe? 

One might say at this point in the modern world that we are edging towards such an idea. 

Today in the USA a small group of individuals and corporations own most of our Tech’ companies as well as our public airwaves for TV and Radio.
The American Pie is now owned by the favored few who can’t eat it because it’s too big for them!

The United States is a Capitalist country and many other countries around the world are also Capitalist countries and most countries that are referred to as being Socialist or even Communist, like China, operate on Capitalism as their financial system. European countries are actually very close to pure Capitalism, except that the government imposes certain taxations on income and property and other rules and regulations. It’s not that different over there, but the right-wing Corporate mouthpieces in the USA on AM Radio and Fox tell us we’re moving away from Capitalism, it’s the opposite! They just get paid $ to say that!

Today with modern corporations and a very complicated globe where speech and democracy are not always free, even in the most powerful countries, we actually have a situation where an individual or a specific corporation could become a national owner of a nation. 

So my friends who are so fond of bragging about ‘Capitalism in the USA’ and hating the Democratic party because we want to have some controls on Capitalism, let me make my point clear here...

*When the favored few, own wealth great enough to support their progeny for thousands of years, and that wealth could be spent for the good of us all in medicine, science, housing, and security for the masses, NOW, then we have to say, come back here and put something back on the table. Leave something for the rest of us to consume. Let the world live!-

*Paraphrased from Huey Long

Chip Shirley

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Change the drug laws save America!

 We can cut Violence Suicide and even Racism in half or better by just ending the drug war and making all drug offenses non felony misdemeanor requiring only rehab and no arrests and no handcuffs and no hoods and no bullets. That's all we have to do we have bad laws on the books concerning how police and our justice system treat drug offenders compared with the rest of the world. Europe does not put itself through the hell that the United States and Mexico and many South American countries put ourselves through with our insanely punitive laws concerning illegal drug possession. When these laws carry large prison sentences and fines then the police are forced to enforce these laws extremely vigorously and it has led to Armed Warfare in many places. Change the drug laws save America!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Under FDR the USA became in effect a socialist country and the Right-Wingers have been fighting that since then, thus Trump. 

With FDR we put income taxes on the super-earners at 90%. That's where the money came from in order for the USA to become THE country on this planet. The USA was not considered the globe’s ‘main nation’ until FDR led us through WWII and then raised taxes on super-earners and created Social Security and Medicare. His same tax plan was in place when Eisenhower signed the legislation building our interstate expressway system.

We paid for a bunch of wars (good and bad ones) and JFK took us to the moon!
ALL THIS based on far higher taxes on the super-earners than we have had since the selfish fake-populist Reagan cut the taxes on the super-earners by TWO THIRDS.

The USA has gone into debt and disrepair since then. And now the FDR Haters worship a worse version of Reagan in Trump.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Trump is a Religious Fundamentalist Old Testament Person

 I have never heard President Donald Trump utter the name Jesus or Christ or Jesus Christ. I believe that good people can come from any religious view of the major religions I know of, or can even possibly be atheists. But I think it's important as a note to personal character that a person speaks frankly about their religious and spiritual views. I have taken comfort and knowledge from Christianity Judaism and Islam as well as Buddhism and many other popular religious and philosophical veins of modern-day Global Society. But one thing that I think we can all agree on is that the Justice of the Old Testament or the Torah taken literally is wrong. Modern society has outgrown the idea that men own women and that people can be enslaved and we have also outgrown an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth because we realize that the justice system is not perfect and so we have no business doing God's job and instituting the hateful laws of the Old Testament if you take them literally. I am a big fan of Jesus Christ and again I have never heard President Donald Trump under the name Jesus Christ. I think that President Donald Trump is in fact an Old Testament Fundamentalist person who adheres to the old fundamentalist Judaism. Fundamentalist religious people of all sects tend to have hateful old sexist racist violent views and that is President Donald Trump an Old Testament convert who converted to Judaism when his daughter Ivanka his favorite person in the world married Jared Kushner and they were converted. And so now our Old Testament president has joined hands with Benjamin Netanyahu to try to start a religious war and we don't need that!