Friday, October 30, 2020

Trump is the first Pro-Wrestler President

 As a liberal who knows what AM talk radio sounds like, I can say that president Trump is the first president I know of in America to just say the most hateful and rude things he can think of about his opponents, ala Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

Trump is the first 'Pro-Wrestler' styled US president. All of that is legal, but the USA nor any nation can survive with that kind of leadership.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

This is the main thing holding the human race back from enlightenment.

 This is the main thing holding the human race back from enlightenment.

The killing and eating of other animals because we think they taste good while eating their bodies poisons our own and stops our hearts and spreads disease.
Meanwhile Vegetarian food is delicious.... Ok?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

They're still here...

 They're still here...

Their souls are still rising
politics are moving
and people are waving 'hi'

It's sad to be here,
but what is it we're doing 
what do we think we're proving
when we could be flying so high

Can't we take on a mountain,
can't we drink from the fountain,
can't we deal with tomorrow?

We can take what we can find
and we can open up our minds

and, they're still here...

Friday, October 9, 2020

Chins Up America

 It has been written that the world will end “not with a bang but a whimper”. I agree that if the world ends it will be with a whimper. But the world does not have to end. It seems that way from my perspective in the United States today that our world is ending in essence. Our society has just become more and more polluted from within. We are moving apart not together. But that has not always been the way it is in the United States. Before Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected we were in a similar situation of  dysfunction and pain. But President Roosevelt put in place an economic structure that worked to build wealth and strength and security in the American economy for all people. All boats were floated, even those still held back by racism and sexism. That economic system put in place by FDR's Administration lasted through his 3 1/2 terms through Vice President Truman's own term through the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower and through John F Kennedy's administration and Lyndon Baines Johnson's presidency and that system that FDR put in place was not ended until Ronald Reagan did that. 

I would just like all Americans to look at the history of our country since FDR was elected and what was going on before he was elected all the way through Dwight Eisenhower's presidency and I think you will see that America did our best during that period of time in our entire history. Since then I think things have simply degraded and gotten worse. So I just hope and pray that if we change direction in this election we can go back towards what we had before to an economic system that worked for us.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

How to Save the World

A young white woman was sentenced to 7 years in federal prison today for the crime of selling people drugs they wanted and needed...*

My father sold the same drugs this woman did in 1960, LEGALLY as a pharmaceutical sales rep. The thing is they were safer and purer and controlled scientifically in production. They were fantastic for losing weight and the negative health consequences were infinitely less than this illegal stuff. It was far better to give the people what they wanted legally than the alternative of locking up hundreds of thousands of people. These drugs are naturally cheap and easy to produce and so since they are attractive to some people it is literally impossible to shut down this industry. All we do is create an incredible violent underground world of illegal drugs where the sellers have to police themselves. The drug war is a complete tragedy. It has hurt our country more than the pandemic and terrorist attacks. Look at this chart** and see what has happened to the USA since Nixon started the drug war in 1970. Our prison population was only 300,000 in 1972 by 2014 it became 2,300,000. We are killing ourselves with bad law.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020