Wednesday, August 26, 2020

God help us to survive and win and make things better again

 God help us to survive and win and make things better again




 When the USA tried to prohibit alcohol we changed the constitution twice in 13 years because that insane idea blew up our justice system so horribly with corruption of law enforcement. The exact replica is the Nixon Drug War started in 1970, but it's lasted 50 years now today!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Can the USPS handle Voting? Y E S

Can the USPS handle Voting?
This note is to the people who may be afraid that our US postal service is not up to delivering ballots accurately and efficiently for our upcoming election. There are many stories of inefficiency concerning the US Postal Service, but there are also many stories of inefficiency concerning everything in government. Remember the Iraq war that we fought by accident because the Intel wasn't right?

And before you say ‘Right, well, government is just bad so let's get rid of it all’... look back at the 2008 financial crisis when all the BANKS and Investment Firms that were UN-regulated by the government under Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr. and Democrat Bill Clinton and George Bush JR, CRASHED our economy! When people lost their jobs and wanted to sell their houses as it turned out the giant unregulated corporate capitalist Financial firms had priced the houses waaaay too high! And therefore the Bank Loans/Mortgages too high and no one would buy them at that price so everything crashed! Unregulated capitalism is even more inefficient than government bureaucracy at its worst.

And please don't think that the USPS postal service is easier to corrupt than our normal voting system. When you have a ballot in the mail it is as easy to analyze for accuracy and fraud as is a $1 bill. It’s a perfect PAPER TRAIL! It's MUCH easier to corrupt giant voting systems in computers (on the internet) with electronic voting done at voting precinct stations, than it is by mail!

So the fact of the matter is the world is a messy place and we always have had to find a way to just deal with this mess and move forward as best we can. Mail voting is our best option.

PS. These are FACTS that you LITERALLY will NOT hear from Hannity and Limbaugh.

Friday, August 14, 2020


 The Pit Bull's were let loose to run and wreck havok 20 years ago on conservative right-wing radio by the vested interests of, you name them but the pitbulls meaning Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are what was Unleashed on the United States of America 20 years ago for 3 hours a day each 5 days a week 365 days a year on the public Airwaves of the USA accessible to anyone with a $5 radio and a battery. These two talk show hosts have been so pervasive on the radio that they have led in brainwashing the rural country by the vested interest and the you tell me who the vested interests are. BANKERS WALLSTREET RUSH LIMBAUGH SEAN HANNITY


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Trump's Phony Bait and Switch

 Trump told Mcconnell NOT to accept ANY deal from the Democrats to set himself up as the PHONY savior. The Dem's were offering a far better bill. This is bullshit politics.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Trump INTENDS to force Congress to IMPEACH him

Trump INTENDS to push the issue that the election is rigged/corrupt until Congress forces him out of office so he can be a martyr and never admit defeat.