Monday, June 29, 2020


The ugly scar on the side of Stone Mountain in Georgia should be ground down and filled in with silver on black making the world's largest mirror.

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Drug War is Destroying America!

Ever since the Drug War started in the late 1960's it has corrupted our justice system exactly the same way the Prohibition of Alcohol did. We dropped Prohibition after 13 years of hellish self-destruction. The Drug War continues 50 years later. From violent streets, to bad policing to overflowing prisons, you can blame the worst of our society's ills on the Drug War.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father’s Day Daddy.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy. I know you would hate for me to post this picture of you without a good and proper explanation and to try to make a point of something good.

So I will try to.

This is a picture of Jim Shirley Jr. my namesake and father, taken about 1951 when he was a football player at Clemson, which was then a military academy.

It’s not just interesting because of the confederate flag, which was common, but also because of my father’s journey in life.

My dad’s ‘Hall of Fame’ wall of photographs consisted of large portraits of Nelson Mandela, MLK, Muhammad Ali and Jim Brown.

My father was not just part of what is wrong in America he is also still a part of what has gotten better here since he was born.

Yes he hated Trump and Hannity and Limbaugh. My dad threatened to try to assassinate Trump when he was drunk! But that was the same whitey white kid who in 1951 was holding that nasty flag.

Daddy told me that during this time when he was first dating my mother, June Eddins, they would go to music shows in Black segregated theaters and the White people sat in the balcony...which was the norm at the time forcing Black people into balconies of theaters in White neighborhoods.

My father and mother helped work through so much hard progress.

That White guy in the white suit on the Right, moved to the Left as he left this world… we are all moving 'Left' if that means giving everybody equal rights. God bless

Friday, June 19, 2020

Continental Catastrophe-

The American War on Drugs This Graph represents our Prison Population in the USA- It is worse in Mexico and S.A. Ending the Drug War can save us.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Defeating Trump is the Most Important Thing PERIOD

Defeating Trump is the Most Important Thing PERIOD


Slow down, you're chasing my life away
No time in life for tastin'
The sweet perfections of life with you
Slow motion living could not be blue
A life's to good to hurry
Slow down, slow living is good for you

Don't try so hard to hit ceiling
(Goin' to get you down)
Don't tell me, I know the feeling
(Sure will bring you down)
I'd like to be a goal getter
(Goin' to tell you now)
Slow motion, I can see better
(That's to see you)
Slow down, you're chasing my life away
Slow down, don't answer me "no"

I'd like to let you go
But it's sure there's favour in
Keep it slow, so I get saver in loving you

Slow down you're chasing my life away
No time in life for tastin'
The sweet perfections of life with you
(Goin' to get you down)
Don't tell me, I know the feeling
(Sure will bring you down)
I'd like to be a goal getter
(Goin' to tell you now)
Slow motion, I can see better
(That's to see you)
Slow down, you're chasing my life away
Slow down, you're chasing my life away
Slow down, you're chasing my life away

Don't try so hard to hit ceiling...

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Most Difficult Decision

The decision as to whether to impose the death penalty in the most heinous cases of horrific violent acts, is clearly the most difficult moral decision human beings are faced with. 

For many people the only possible reason to excuse someone from the death penalty when they are convicted of a heinous violent murder is that perhaps, the justice system got the case completely wrong; and in fact the convicted killer is innocent. I think any of us would agree that the crime of killing an innocent person on behalf of a society and a bureaucracy and a legal system that is not perfect and is at times corrupted; any of us would agree that that crime by that giant corrupted bureaucracy is even more heinous than an individual crime. Because when the bureaucracy makes a big mistake it is guaranteed that the same mistake will happen over and over and over again.

That is called hell on earth.

God asks us to create heaven on earth.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Voting by Mail

Look Mr. Trump! I'm voting by mail! And you can't stop it because it's governed by States, NOT the Federal government!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Continental Catastrophe-The American War on Drugs

Since around 1970 when America accelerated our anti-narcotics efforts; increasing investigations, prosecutions and punishment, our law enforcement system has become corrupted, hateful, militarized and it has amplified racism. This issue affects the whole American continent.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Black National Anthem

Black National Anthem

oh say can we see 

an America where 

black people are real 

and white people know it.

Where our prisons are gone,

Because we all get along

This dream can be real

if we’re all singing this song

No hell without bail

No one rotting in jail

No one made to crawl

No up against the wall

Will white people wake up 

And help change the face of America

From a racist slave state


Monday, June 8, 2020

War on US

War on US

Let's play what am I talking about? 

This policy regimen when put in place over a period of 44 years resulted in a 700% increase in the prison population of the United States of America. The prison population increased from 200 thousand to 2 Million 200 thousand between 1970 and 2014.



The Drug War. Ding ding ding!

Before the drug war, police only arrested you for violent behaviour and when they found illegal drugs they usually just threw them away. 

Yes there were racist arrests, but racism had always been there.

Since the drug war started 50 years ago we have lived in a hell world where police become ever more aggressive because possessing even a tiny amount of an illegal drug is a serious crime including prison time. This has led to greater aggression from police in general. They have become accustomed to violence, assaults on heavily armed ‘drug houses’.

This ‘drug war’ is the worst self inflicted wound in the history of the United States. It’s like a second civil war, but this time more against Black People, not to free them. White people too. I saw 20 years of my life disappear into chaos for a non-violent possession of a joints’ worth of weed charge.

The solution is to make all non-violent drug possession crimes misdemeanor, no jail crimes…

The FDA and the DEA must make the Poppy, Coca and Marijuana plants all legal to the public and their derivatives available to the medical community to prescribe to the public.

Most of the problems we face in these dis-United States stem from the insane ‘drug war’.

Just imagine where we would be with crime and chaos if we still tried to BAN ALCOHOL as we did in the 1930’s. Insane to even comprehend it.

In the name of countless innocent victims, but especially today, George Floyd.
Please God help us to end this insane war on… ourselves.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Aint Nuthin Perfect Anymore Even the Kittens are Mean

Aint Nuthin Perfect Anymore
Even the Kittens are Mean
I don't know what I'm looking for,
but it isn't what I am seeing.
I'd Rather Have a Pet Dinosaur
than a Caveman for President for sure!
But where can you get a dinosaur,
for a President made of Manure?

Thursday, June 4, 2020

A message of Hope and Rage

As hard as it is at this moment to take our eyes off of the enthralling tragic images of recent crimes against black men perpetrated by white racist, perhaps Christians? If we take a deep breath and glance back we have to see. While progress does come in fits and starts thank God we have made great progress in the history of the United States of America in terms of race relations. 

In the last 400+ years we have gone from a British Colony where the law officially treated African American people like objects (and nobody protested, and the law was fully enforced) to today in America, where the law says officially that African American people ARE EQUAL to all other people and the law needs to BE enforced perfectly!

It is time for White People to stop committing suicide for the USA by trying to dominate the constitution its self by secretly legalizing a separate set of laws, beneath the surface, hidden in bureaucracy that benefit them over Black People. 

Racism in the USA is suicide for our economy (and our mortal souls, if you are a Christian). Racism is ruining the ‘brand’ of the USA in the eyes of the entire world and we will all suffer that in countless ways.

Together we stand, divided we fall and get your white ass up against the wall if you mistreat Black people!

President Trump, are you a Christian or a Jew?

I ask because Ivanka converted to Judaism with her husband Jared Kushner and they seem to be the two people you love and listen to the most.
I'm Christian and I love Jews, but not all the cruelty of the Torah you exude what are you?