Thursday, December 31, 2020

Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.

 Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.Dear god in heaven help us come together and love each other and find peace on earth in 2021.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

HanuChrisIsla- New Holiday

 I celebrate all of the major religious traditions because I believe they all have great merit and they are very similar.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

What Barr did to Trump today makes Trump look Nice.

 What Barr did to Trump today makes Trump look Nice.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Is Trump Using 'Insanity Defense'?

 In his first interview since the election (Sunday with Fox News Maria Bartiromo) Trump said it was "Fraud" to say that he lost. Asked why his FBI Director and Attorney General were doing nothing and his Supreme Court wasn't taking the case Trump said "I don't know".

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Cycle on through this nonsense let's get away from where we've been

 Cycle on through this nonsense let's get away from where we've been

don't look over a 4 leaf clover named Joe Biden
He'll be a good ole president like FDR was
and by the time he's done, listen to me son,
you'll call him Santa Claus...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Trump's Goodbye Speech

Mark my words, Trump will say that while the election was stolen from him, it would be tied up in court too long to prove it and so for the good of the country he will 'stand aside' but not admit defeat and he will run again in 2024.

So, Rpelicans r bn lk "QnonYaY dems die!" Dem's sey "DIE Rpelicans!"

Monday, November 9, 2020

Four Seasons Total Landscaping F R E E ...BLOWING AFTER MOWING YOUR GRASS

 Four Seasons Total Landscaping


The World Will Stroke Biden

After George W Bush- and the Iraq War.

And President Obama- Black in a White Nation.

Then Donald Trump- CRAZY. 

after all this to have a Simple man lead the United States will be like a hot bath on a cold night for the rest of the world. 

I think Biden will offer good leadership and the world will welcome a steady hand to the military and monster the US is… and I think we all will benefit.

90% of Republican candidates did better than expected while Trump went down hard... Truth is Republicans sunk Trump

 90% of Republican candidates did better than expect

ed while Trump went down hard... Truth is Republicans sunk Trump

Friday, November 6, 2020

It's a good thing that it's dragging on because it gives the extremists time to digest the truth and think through the consequences of all their insane evil ideas and calm the fuck down.

 It's a good thing that it's dragging on because it gives the extremists time to digest the truth and think through the consequences of all their insane evil ideas and calm the fuck down.


I'm thinking, that the AZ and NV races may be declared before PA and GA... that is 270 for us. The Associate Press, Wall St. Journal and Fox News have already called AZ for Biden... So, if they declare NV, they will call the race Biden/Harris.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Trump is the first Pro-Wrestler President

 As a liberal who knows what AM talk radio sounds like, I can say that president Trump is the first president I know of in America to just say the most hateful and rude things he can think of about his opponents, ala Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

Trump is the first 'Pro-Wrestler' styled US president. All of that is legal, but the USA nor any nation can survive with that kind of leadership.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

This is the main thing holding the human race back from enlightenment.

 This is the main thing holding the human race back from enlightenment.

The killing and eating of other animals because we think they taste good while eating their bodies poisons our own and stops our hearts and spreads disease.
Meanwhile Vegetarian food is delicious.... Ok?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

They're still here...

 They're still here...

Their souls are still rising
politics are moving
and people are waving 'hi'

It's sad to be here,
but what is it we're doing 
what do we think we're proving
when we could be flying so high

Can't we take on a mountain,
can't we drink from the fountain,
can't we deal with tomorrow?

We can take what we can find
and we can open up our minds

and, they're still here...

Friday, October 9, 2020

Chins Up America

 It has been written that the world will end “not with a bang but a whimper”. I agree that if the world ends it will be with a whimper. But the world does not have to end. It seems that way from my perspective in the United States today that our world is ending in essence. Our society has just become more and more polluted from within. We are moving apart not together. But that has not always been the way it is in the United States. Before Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected we were in a similar situation of  dysfunction and pain. But President Roosevelt put in place an economic structure that worked to build wealth and strength and security in the American economy for all people. All boats were floated, even those still held back by racism and sexism. That economic system put in place by FDR's Administration lasted through his 3 1/2 terms through Vice President Truman's own term through the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower and through John F Kennedy's administration and Lyndon Baines Johnson's presidency and that system that FDR put in place was not ended until Ronald Reagan did that. 

I would just like all Americans to look at the history of our country since FDR was elected and what was going on before he was elected all the way through Dwight Eisenhower's presidency and I think you will see that America did our best during that period of time in our entire history. Since then I think things have simply degraded and gotten worse. So I just hope and pray that if we change direction in this election we can go back towards what we had before to an economic system that worked for us.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

How to Save the World

A young white woman was sentenced to 7 years in federal prison today for the crime of selling people drugs they wanted and needed...*

My father sold the same drugs this woman did in 1960, LEGALLY as a pharmaceutical sales rep. The thing is they were safer and purer and controlled scientifically in production. They were fantastic for losing weight and the negative health consequences were infinitely less than this illegal stuff. It was far better to give the people what they wanted legally than the alternative of locking up hundreds of thousands of people. These drugs are naturally cheap and easy to produce and so since they are attractive to some people it is literally impossible to shut down this industry. All we do is create an incredible violent underground world of illegal drugs where the sellers have to police themselves. The drug war is a complete tragedy. It has hurt our country more than the pandemic and terrorist attacks. Look at this chart** and see what has happened to the USA since Nixon started the drug war in 1970. Our prison population was only 300,000 in 1972 by 2014 it became 2,300,000. We are killing ourselves with bad law.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Donald J Trump- “I am in touch with the Aliens and they have told me that if you don't vote for me they will destroy the Earth." This message was approved by me, President Donald J Trump.

 Donald J Trump-

“I am in touch with the Aliens and they have told me that if you don't vote for me they will destroy the Earth." This message was approved by me, President Donald J Trump.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Here is an argument for Socialism vs Capitalism.

 Here is an argument for Socialism vs Capitalism. 

Do you realize that without an incredible number of rules and regulations controlling your money and capitalism in the USA and globally, it would be literally possible for one person to acquire all of the property and wealth within a certain nation or even within our entire globe? 

One might say at this point in the modern world that we are edging towards such an idea. 

Today in the USA a small group of individuals and corporations own most of our Tech’ companies as well as our public airwaves for TV and Radio.
The American Pie is now owned by the favored few who can’t eat it because it’s too big for them!

The United States is a Capitalist country and many other countries around the world are also Capitalist countries and most countries that are referred to as being Socialist or even Communist, like China, operate on Capitalism as their financial system. European countries are actually very close to pure Capitalism, except that the government imposes certain taxations on income and property and other rules and regulations. It’s not that different over there, but the right-wing Corporate mouthpieces in the USA on AM Radio and Fox tell us we’re moving away from Capitalism, it’s the opposite! They just get paid $ to say that!

Today with modern corporations and a very complicated globe where speech and democracy are not always free, even in the most powerful countries, we actually have a situation where an individual or a specific corporation could become a national owner of a nation. 

So my friends who are so fond of bragging about ‘Capitalism in the USA’ and hating the Democratic party because we want to have some controls on Capitalism, let me make my point clear here...

*When the favored few, own wealth great enough to support their progeny for thousands of years, and that wealth could be spent for the good of us all in medicine, science, housing, and security for the masses, NOW, then we have to say, come back here and put something back on the table. Leave something for the rest of us to consume. Let the world live!-

*Paraphrased from Huey Long

Chip Shirley

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Change the drug laws save America!

 We can cut Violence Suicide and even Racism in half or better by just ending the drug war and making all drug offenses non felony misdemeanor requiring only rehab and no arrests and no handcuffs and no hoods and no bullets. That's all we have to do we have bad laws on the books concerning how police and our justice system treat drug offenders compared with the rest of the world. Europe does not put itself through the hell that the United States and Mexico and many South American countries put ourselves through with our insanely punitive laws concerning illegal drug possession. When these laws carry large prison sentences and fines then the police are forced to enforce these laws extremely vigorously and it has led to Armed Warfare in many places. Change the drug laws save America!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Under FDR the USA became in effect a socialist country and the Right-Wingers have been fighting that since then, thus Trump. 

With FDR we put income taxes on the super-earners at 90%. That's where the money came from in order for the USA to become THE country on this planet. The USA was not considered the globe’s ‘main nation’ until FDR led us through WWII and then raised taxes on super-earners and created Social Security and Medicare. His same tax plan was in place when Eisenhower signed the legislation building our interstate expressway system.

We paid for a bunch of wars (good and bad ones) and JFK took us to the moon!
ALL THIS based on far higher taxes on the super-earners than we have had since the selfish fake-populist Reagan cut the taxes on the super-earners by TWO THIRDS.

The USA has gone into debt and disrepair since then. And now the FDR Haters worship a worse version of Reagan in Trump.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Trump is a Religious Fundamentalist Old Testament Person

 I have never heard President Donald Trump utter the name Jesus or Christ or Jesus Christ. I believe that good people can come from any religious view of the major religions I know of, or can even possibly be atheists. But I think it's important as a note to personal character that a person speaks frankly about their religious and spiritual views. I have taken comfort and knowledge from Christianity Judaism and Islam as well as Buddhism and many other popular religious and philosophical veins of modern-day Global Society. But one thing that I think we can all agree on is that the Justice of the Old Testament or the Torah taken literally is wrong. Modern society has outgrown the idea that men own women and that people can be enslaved and we have also outgrown an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth because we realize that the justice system is not perfect and so we have no business doing God's job and instituting the hateful laws of the Old Testament if you take them literally. I am a big fan of Jesus Christ and again I have never heard President Donald Trump under the name Jesus Christ. I think that President Donald Trump is in fact an Old Testament Fundamentalist person who adheres to the old fundamentalist Judaism. Fundamentalist religious people of all sects tend to have hateful old sexist racist violent views and that is President Donald Trump an Old Testament convert who converted to Judaism when his daughter Ivanka his favorite person in the world married Jared Kushner and they were converted. And so now our Old Testament president has joined hands with Benjamin Netanyahu to try to start a religious war and we don't need that!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

God help us to survive and win and make things better again

 God help us to survive and win and make things better again




 When the USA tried to prohibit alcohol we changed the constitution twice in 13 years because that insane idea blew up our justice system so horribly with corruption of law enforcement. The exact replica is the Nixon Drug War started in 1970, but it's lasted 50 years now today!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Can the USPS handle Voting? Y E S

Can the USPS handle Voting?
This note is to the people who may be afraid that our US postal service is not up to delivering ballots accurately and efficiently for our upcoming election. There are many stories of inefficiency concerning the US Postal Service, but there are also many stories of inefficiency concerning everything in government. Remember the Iraq war that we fought by accident because the Intel wasn't right?

And before you say ‘Right, well, government is just bad so let's get rid of it all’... look back at the 2008 financial crisis when all the BANKS and Investment Firms that were UN-regulated by the government under Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr. and Democrat Bill Clinton and George Bush JR, CRASHED our economy! When people lost their jobs and wanted to sell their houses as it turned out the giant unregulated corporate capitalist Financial firms had priced the houses waaaay too high! And therefore the Bank Loans/Mortgages too high and no one would buy them at that price so everything crashed! Unregulated capitalism is even more inefficient than government bureaucracy at its worst.

And please don't think that the USPS postal service is easier to corrupt than our normal voting system. When you have a ballot in the mail it is as easy to analyze for accuracy and fraud as is a $1 bill. It’s a perfect PAPER TRAIL! It's MUCH easier to corrupt giant voting systems in computers (on the internet) with electronic voting done at voting precinct stations, than it is by mail!

So the fact of the matter is the world is a messy place and we always have had to find a way to just deal with this mess and move forward as best we can. Mail voting is our best option.

PS. These are FACTS that you LITERALLY will NOT hear from Hannity and Limbaugh.

Friday, August 14, 2020


 The Pit Bull's were let loose to run and wreck havok 20 years ago on conservative right-wing radio by the vested interests of, you name them but the pitbulls meaning Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are what was Unleashed on the United States of America 20 years ago for 3 hours a day each 5 days a week 365 days a year on the public Airwaves of the USA accessible to anyone with a $5 radio and a battery. These two talk show hosts have been so pervasive on the radio that they have led in brainwashing the rural country by the vested interest and the you tell me who the vested interests are. BANKERS WALLSTREET RUSH LIMBAUGH SEAN HANNITY


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Trump's Phony Bait and Switch

 Trump told Mcconnell NOT to accept ANY deal from the Democrats to set himself up as the PHONY savior. The Dem's were offering a far better bill. This is bullshit politics.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Trump INTENDS to force Congress to IMPEACH him

Trump INTENDS to push the issue that the election is rigged/corrupt until Congress forces him out of office so he can be a martyr and never admit defeat.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Person Woman Camera Covid

QAnon Super Hero-Louis Gohmert says he 'got Covid from his mask'.
Wake the F up Confederacy of Dunces!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Trump Blues-

The Trump Blues-
If you get it right you can stay the night
If you get it wrong you gotta get along...
You Gotta
Move things Over...PLEASE
just move things over
you can get along, while I sing this song
roll over rover!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Polis Frees Pot People

Thank God for good government! Anyone in the know understands that, while marijuana use may not be for everyone and may have some negative ramifications, it is a far better thing for society, for it to be legal than criminalized. Alcohol and tobacco are legal, but not because they are considered harmless or useful as medicine, but because our society has come to accept that their negative health consequences are far less hurtful than are the negative ramifications of their being criminalized. Remember, the 13 year experiment with Prohibition of alcohol in the USA corrupted and decimated our criminal justice system. This is a lesson we haven't learned in the case of our ongoing 'war on drugs'.
While we celebrate the marijuana legalization movement we must not forget that for the last 50 plus years, since the Drug War started hundreds of thousands of lives have been ruined and billions of dollars wasted on the utterly useless and destructive criminalization of marijuana.

Monday, June 29, 2020


The ugly scar on the side of Stone Mountain in Georgia should be ground down and filled in with silver on black making the world's largest mirror.

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Drug War is Destroying America!

Ever since the Drug War started in the late 1960's it has corrupted our justice system exactly the same way the Prohibition of Alcohol did. We dropped Prohibition after 13 years of hellish self-destruction. The Drug War continues 50 years later. From violent streets, to bad policing to overflowing prisons, you can blame the worst of our society's ills on the Drug War.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father’s Day Daddy.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy. I know you would hate for me to post this picture of you without a good and proper explanation and to try to make a point of something good.

So I will try to.

This is a picture of Jim Shirley Jr. my namesake and father, taken about 1951 when he was a football player at Clemson, which was then a military academy.

It’s not just interesting because of the confederate flag, which was common, but also because of my father’s journey in life.

My dad’s ‘Hall of Fame’ wall of photographs consisted of large portraits of Nelson Mandela, MLK, Muhammad Ali and Jim Brown.

My father was not just part of what is wrong in America he is also still a part of what has gotten better here since he was born.

Yes he hated Trump and Hannity and Limbaugh. My dad threatened to try to assassinate Trump when he was drunk! But that was the same whitey white kid who in 1951 was holding that nasty flag.

Daddy told me that during this time when he was first dating my mother, June Eddins, they would go to music shows in Black segregated theaters and the White people sat in the balcony...which was the norm at the time forcing Black people into balconies of theaters in White neighborhoods.

My father and mother helped work through so much hard progress.

That White guy in the white suit on the Right, moved to the Left as he left this world… we are all moving 'Left' if that means giving everybody equal rights. God bless

Friday, June 19, 2020

Continental Catastrophe-

The American War on Drugs This Graph represents our Prison Population in the USA- It is worse in Mexico and S.A. Ending the Drug War can save us.